"The bridge between leaving and being is memory.

The space we create does not attach memory to any entity.

It is the air in the field."

"How long ago was it?

Did it leave or not?

And what was left on the axis of time and space?"

Artist: Xu MingLiang

Xu MingLiang was born in August 1994 in Liaoyang, Liaoning. In 2016, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree. In 2019, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts of Shenyang University and received a master's degree under Professor Li Yingwei. After graduation, he joined the National Arts Fund - "New Era Art Creative Talents Cultivation and Improvement Project for Wen Shi Zhe Literacy" in Northeast Normal University, and has now graduated. The artist studies the instinct of human nature and the relationship between people and objects through subtle observation of things in life and artistic creation, and is good at using oil paintings to depict stories to arouse viewers' curiosity and thinking.

Design: BAICAI Design
Video Production: Jinnian Images